[nyhed] Patent på smileys

  • Det er godt nok for grimt - Men de gør det jo nok fordi det kommer til at kendetegne Microsoft :ohmy:

    Edit: Bubbi jeg siger bare held og lykke :))

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    Oprindeligt indlæg af Firedog
    lol patent sux.. man kan fandme tage patent på de lameste ting..

    og bubbi. undskyld jeg siger det, men HVORFOR??

    Fordi at hver eneste gang en eller anden trykker på de taster eller skriver de bogstaver/tegn på papir, så ville Bubbi ku indkassere en sum penge (Hvis det altså var muligt at patentere sådan noget :)))

    Derfor :P

    Edit: Patent er nu ellers en enormt god ting! En person kan tage patent på noget han/hun har opfundet eller opdaget og så må andre ikk lige gå hen og stjæle ideen, for de må ikk producere varen
    Det vil jeg nu ikk sige sux.. Nærmere hvis jeg gjorde en kæmpe opdagelse som enkelt person og et firma så napper ideen.. Så gæt engang hvor lidt jeg lige ku få ud af opdagelsen.. :boxed:

  • ja det ved jeg godt.. det blev lavet som ment på en god måde.. at tage patent på sine opfindelse osv. men at tage patent på sådan noget synes jeg er langt ude.. det er lamt. det er min menning..

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    Oprindeligt indlæg af Macimuz


    " Nu er det kommet frem, at Microsoft allerede den 20. januar 2004 søgte om at få patent på en metode til at sende smileys hos det amerikanske patentkontor. "

    .... Så vidt jeg kan læse, så står der at de ville tage patent på en MÅDE af sende smileys ... Ikke at de ville tage patent på smileys. Der er jo stor forskel ...

    Men ja de strammer bæltet ... Men det gør gode forretningsfolk jo altid ... Ellers ville de jo nok ikke have de penge som de har ...

  • Ja de vil tage patent på at når man f.eks. trykker : - ) (uden mellemrum) så kommer der f.eks. :) ... ikke? ... det er jo endnu værre. for så tager de ikke patent på en bestemt smiley, så man bare kan ændre den, men den måde som man implementerer smileyen i vores sprog.


    Original artikkelen.^


    Various organisations have criticised Microsoft for attempting to patent the creation of custom emoticons.

    The patent application, which was published by the US Patent Office on Thursday, covers selecting pixels to create an emoticon image, assigning a character sequence to these pixels and reconstructing the emoticon after transmission.

    Mark Taylor, the executive director of the Open Source Consortium, said on Friday said this is such a basic concept that he would not have been surprised to see it posted as a fictional patent on a technology site.

    "I would have expected to see something like this suggested by one of our more immature community members as a joke on Slashdot, and probably would have chuckled at the absurdity of the notion. We now appear to be living in a world where even the most laughable paranoid fantasies about commercially controlling simple social concepts are being outdone in the real world by well-funded armies of lawyers on behalf of some of the most powerful companies on the planet," said Taylor.

    He said the patent could be particularly problematic as it covers basic human communication. "Emoticons are a form of language, and a precedent allowing patenting of language constructs is very dangerous indeed," said Taylor.

    Jonas Maebe, a spokesman for the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), said that such a patent could be used by Microsoft to prevent competitors from developing applications that compete with its MSN Messenger application.

    "It is unfortunately quite clear such patents have nothing to do with protecting investments nor R&D, and only with obtaining exclusion rights which can help them [Microsoft] maintain their dominant position in the market," said Maebe.

    Such patents are in contradiction to the original purpose of the patent system, according to Maebe's colleague at the FFII, Felipe Wersen.

    "Patents were ultimately designed to benefit society — to have companies disclose things that benefit society which they wouldn't otherwise disclose. Who does this patent benefit?" said Wersen.

    Although Microsoft does not appear to have filed this patent in Europe, it has filed a number of patents around natural language. These include a patent for segmenting text strings into tokens to allow further language processing.

    A Microsoft spokesperson said that comments on its patent applications can be submitted to the US patent office.

    "Microsoft receives dozens of patents every week. We support the ability of anyone to submit prior art or input on a patent application with relevant authorities before a patent is issued," said the spokesperson.

    The Microsoft patent that organisations are concerned about is patent number 20050156873, which was filed in January 2004. The US Patent Office has not yet made a decision on whether to accept the patent application.

  • Jamen hvis de "opfinder" nogle nye smileys, så kan de sgu bare tage patent på dem hvis de vil. For min skyld ingen alarm...

    Hvis de syntes at der skal komme en microsoft-udgave af :)) der er blå i hovedet og har briller hoppende når man trykker KD"¤##12 (uden mellemrum), så bevares ...

    ... men nej de kan ikke tage patent på ting de ikke har opfundet....

    Det er vel heller ikke det som sagen går ud på... De vil tage patent på noget ligende vel ...

    Hvis man kan tage patent på en flaske (den originale Coca-Cola flaske), så kan man vel også tage patent på "KD"¤##12" hvis det bruges til noget ... :crazyeyes: