Tele 2 Ny IP = Hack/Portscan?

  • Alle der har Tele 2 fik for noget tid siden ny IP.
    Efter jeg har fået min nye ip kommer Norton Firewall hele tiden op og siger.

    Protocol: TCP (Inbound)
    Remote Address: : 2502
    Local Address: TNT (83.72.-----): NetBus (12345)
    A remote computer ( attempted to connect to
    your computer on a port commonly used by a remote access
    Trojan horse. The attempt was blocked.

    Så kan man trykke på en knap for at læse lidt om det kommer her.

    Security Alerts appear when someone attempts to access your computer. It may be a hacker or someone on your own network.
    Read the alert and evaluate the risk. You can get more information about this kind of attack. Most Security alerts trigger AutoBlock, preventing the computer from communicating with your computer for 30 minutes.
    Ensure that the alert describes a real attack and not a legitimate attempt to access your computer. If the attempt is legitimate, add the computer that is attempting to connect to you to the Trusted zone or use Internet Access Control to allow the type of connection described in the alert.

    Don’t assume that every security alert represents an attempt to hack your computer. There are many more-or-less harmless events on the Internet that cause security alerts.
    This alert is warning you about a possible remote access Trojan horse program. A Trojan horse program masquerades as a legitimate program and damages or compromises the security of your computer.
    Some Trojan horse programs perform malicious actions on the computer on which they are run, while others, such as Back Orifice, provide remote-control capabilities for hackers.

    For more information, visit

    Jeg formaterede i fredag's for at komme af med det, men firewall'en kommer stadig op!!!!
    Er der andre Tele 2 brugere der har oplevet det??

    PS. Jeg har skrevet mange IP'er op nu og de er alle sammen fra Tele 2

  • Whats the big deal? Bare nogen der scanner en iprange hvor din ip indgår med noget netbus scanner program - er da så harmløst så længe du netop HAR firewall og antivirus programmer installeret på din computer :)